in english, en français
y en español
11. Math Waves (gr. 3 and up): Hickety, dickety, dock, the mouse ran up the clock ... and helped Peter discover math waves in time ... and in the path of a dot on a car tire. [measurement; bar graphs; patterning]

1. Something odd
2. Who's the Big Bad Wolf?
3. To infinity & beyond
4. Add it up!
5. Smart multiplication
6. Smart division

7. Colourful patterns
8. Making 10 - stage 1
9. Making 10 - stage 2
10. Math trains
11. Math waves
12. Scary patio patterns

13. Big party, small party
14. Wolf gets hurt
15. Do parallel lines meet?
16. Mirror, mirror
17. How big is a billion?
18. Elephants' big ears

19. Tortoise & hare rematch
20. How left-handed are you?



Circles make waves?

Hickety, dickety, dock, the mouse ran up the clock … and helped Peter discover math waves on clocks ... and on car tires.

Content: time; bar graphs; patterning

43 pages